How Hard Is It to Put in a Steering Gear Box and 2004 Chevy Avalanche UPDATED

How Hard Is It to Put in a Steering Gear Box and 2004 Chevy Avalanche

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2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

  1. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

  2. What requirements must the automobile come across?

  3. Why are cars subjected to road tests

  4. What qualities are required of the auto?

  5. Why is information technology important for the specialists in auto industry to know computing methods?

iii. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. The cars are subjected to road tests in order…

    1. to shorten the fourth dimension between designing and manufacturing

    2. to meet up-to-date requirements

    3. to piece of work out new technological processes

  1. The car must accept the following units….

    1. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance

    2. smoothen interim clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system

  2. The auto must accept the post-obit qualities….

    1. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance

    2. shine acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering organisation

4. Components of Automobile

Basically, the machine consist of three parts:the power plants, or the engine, the chassis and body.To these may be addedthe accessories: theheater, lighter, radio, speedometer and other devices. Thepower plant or engine is thesourceof power that makesthe wheels rotate and the car motility. It includeselectric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems. Most automobile engines havesix or 8 cylinders.

The chassis consists of apower train, frame with axles, wheels and springs. Thechassisincludesbrakes and steering organisation.

Thepower railroad train carries the ability from the engine to thecar wheels andcontains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, differential and the final bulldoze.Theclutch is a friction device connecting (or disconnecting) the enginecrankshaftto the gears in thegearbox. It is used for freeing the gearbox from the engine and is controlled by theclutch pedal. Brakes are important mechanisms of the car. They are used to irksome or to finish the car. Mostbraking systems in utilize todayare hydraulic. They are operated by the brake pedal. When the driverpushes down on the brake pedal, theyare applied and the car stops.


  1. Переведите на русский язык встречающие в тексте интернациональные слова:

Motorcar, chassis, speedometer, electric, system, cylinder, cardan, control, hydraulic, pedal, accessories, differential

  1. Подберите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы.


  1. What are the main bones parts of the auto?

  2. What does the chassis consist of?

  3. What units does the ability train incorporate?

  4. What is the function of the clutch?

  5. Why are brakes needed?


  1. The clutch, gearbox, cardan shaft and the final drive

  2. Freeing the engine from the gearbox

  3. The power establish, the chassis and the body

  4. A power train, frame with axles, wheels and springs

  5. To slow or stop the car

  1. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. The mechanism used for stopping the car is…

    1. clutch

    2. gearbox

    3. brakes

  1. The machinery used for changing the speed is…

a) clutch

b) gearbox

c) brakes

  1. The mechanism used for connecting the engine from the gearbox is…

    1. brakes

    2. clutch

    3. steering arrangement

  2. The unit conveying the power from the engine to the car wheels is…

    1. power plant

    2. power railroad train

    3. chassis

  3. The instrument measuring the speed of the car is…

    1. heater

    2. lights

    3. speedometer

five. Internal-combustion Engines

Internal-Combustion engines are very important components of Automobile. It take the post-obit advantages: small specificweight(weight-to-power ratio), quick start, a relatively loftierfuel economic system (highefficiency), small quantity of water required (just for cooling), and even this not in all engines, speeds, adjustment over a certainrange.

On the other hand, international-combustion engines cannot be reversed direct orendure high overloads, and every bit a effect when selecting an engine the required power should existdeterminedfromthe highest loadduty; they besides cannot exist started under load, which calls for the employ ofclutches. An international-Combustion engine should be provided with agear box(transmission) to alterthe torque, since the torque developed past the engine at variouscrankshaftspeeds changesinsignificantly.

Internal-Combustion engines apply for their operationthe thermodynamic processeswhich occur inthe clutches duringfuel combustion.

In carburetor  enginesthe flammable mixture is prepared outside the engine cylinders in a carburetor and is then delivered by the cylinders. The mixture isignitedpast an electric spark generated by a specialsource of current.

In diesel fuel engines the flammable mixture is formed inside the cylinders as the fuel is being injected through anozzle. The fuel isinjectedat the moment when the cylindercontainsstrongly compressed and thereforeheated air, which causes the mixture toself-ignite. For this reason diesel engines are often chosencompression ignition engines.

A gas turbine is a rotary engine which transforms thekinetic energy of gas produced by fuel burned in a combustion bedchamber into mechanical work. Gas turbine units consist of a compressor,fuel pump, combustion chamber with nozzle, and a gas turbine. Then far the high temperature of the gas hasprevented gas turbines from being used widely on automotive vehicle.

    1. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания

Internal-Combustion engines, advantages, weight-to-power ratio, fuel economy, adjustment, suffer high overloads, the highest load, clutches, gear box

(transmission), the torque, the thermodynamic processes, carburetor and diesel types, combustible mixture, source of current, injected, pinch ignition engines, gas turbine, fuel pump.

    1. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания

1. Combustion engine should be provided with

a) clutch

b) gearbox

c) springs
2. Internal-Combustion engines utilize for their operation…

a) the thermodynamic processes

b) with steering system
3. In carburetor engines the combustible mixture is prepared

a) exterior the engine cylinders

b) within the engine cylinders

  1. A gas turbine is a rotary engine which transforms…

    1. mechanical piece of work.

    2. kinetic energy

3 . Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1.What are the advantages have the Internal-Combustion engines?

2. What free energy does engine transform in gas turbine?

iii. What is the Internal - Combustion engine?
6. Diesel fuel Engine

If you know something about ordinarygasoline engines, such as those in automobiles, you know accept noticed that diesel engines in many respects, work in the same fashion.

Both types of enginesare internal combustion engines, that is, they burn the fuel inside theircylinders Virtually gasoline engines and manydiesel engines piece of work on thefour-stroke cycle, that is, thepistonmakesa suction stroke, acompression stroke, aability strokeand anfrazzle stroke.

What are the main differences between diesel engines andgasoline engines?

  1. A diesel engine has no ignition arrangement- It has nospark plug fed with high-tension electricity from adistributor, spark-roll, timer, and battery.

2. A diesel fuel engine draws into its cylinder air lone, and it compresses this air on itscompressions stroke before any fuel enters the cylinder

3. Diesel fuel engines use greater compression than gasoline engines. The pinch in a diesel engine is non express by the possibilityof pre-ignition because a diesel engine compresses air just. Therefore, diesel engines use compression ratios of most 16 to one, and so attain greaterefficiency in the use of fuel.

Why are diesel fuel engines used then much? Notjust considering they tin can producepower- there are many other ways of producing power.

Advantages of Diesel Engines.

  1. Small-scaleConsumption of Fuel

  2. Cheap fuel

  3. Economic system at Light Loads

  4. Greater Safety

  5. Economic system in small Sizes

  6. Independenceof Water Supply

  7. Quick Starting


1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

gasoline engines, internal combustion engines, diesel fuel engines, four-stroke cycle, the piston, suction stroke, a pinch stroke, a ability stroke and an exhaust stroke, spark plug fed, distributor, spark-roll, timer, and battery, pre-ignition, water supply

  1. Заполните таблицу

«The main differences betwixt diesel engines and gasoline engines»









  1. Закончите предложения, выбрав их из текста:

  1. Most gasoline engines and many diesel fuel engines piece of work on the…

  2. A diesel engine draws into its cylinder air alone, and it compresses this air on its…

three. Diesel engines use ……………… than gasoline engines

  1. Therefore, diesel engines utilize pinch ratios of about…

7.Iv-Stroke Engine and Ii-Stroke Engine


The majority of present-24-hour intervalinternal-combustion engines operate on thefour-bike principle. According to the processes occurring in thecylinder, each of the four strokes is named as follows:

ane stroke – admission

2 stroke – pinch

iii stroke – ability stroke

4 strokes- - exhaust

Admission Stroke. Theintake valve is open, thepistonmoves fromTDC to BDC.Ararefactionis built upwards in the cylinder terminate higher up the piston which in unlike engines. In view of the departure inpressure in the cylinder andcarburetor, thecombustion mixture flows from the carburetor into the cylinder.

Compression Stroke . At the terminate of theadmission strokeboth valves are shut off. As thecrankshaft continues to rotate it drives the piston from BDC to TDC. The temperature of the mixture at the terminate of the compression stroke reaches well-nigh 300c.

Power Stroke .At the stop of the upwards stroke of the piston the compressed mixtureis ignited past an electric spark. Both valves are closed

Exhaust Stroke . The exhaust valve is open, the piston moves from BDC to TDC and ejects theused gases from the cylinder. At the terminate of the frazzle stroke, the temperature of the gases drops to 700-800c.

Ina two – stroke engine all the4 processes comprising the working

bicycle are completed during two stroke of the piston, during i revolution of the crankshaft. This offers the following advantages:

i with thesame basic dimensions,a two – stroke engineshould develop theoreticallytwice the ability of a four – stroke engine

2 the engineoperates moresmoothly since the power strokesoccur twice as ofttimes.

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

internal-combustion engines, 4-cycle principle, cylinder, access Stroke, intake valve, pressure in the cylinder, combustion mixture, Compression Stroke, Ability Stroke, Exhaust Stroke, a two – stroke engine, smoothly.
а) Распределите правильно и переведите:

1 stroke – power stroke 2 stroke – admission iii stroke- - frazzle 4 stroke – compression
3.Закончите предложения, выбрав их из текста

    1. The majority of present-day internal-combustion engines operate on the…

    2. The intake valve is open, the piston moves from…

    3. As the crankshaft continues to rotate information technology drives the piston…

    4. At the end of the exhaust stroke, the temperature of the gases…

    5. In a two – stroke engine all the four processes comprising the working cycle are completed during 2 stroke of the piston

8. Fuel System

The fuel Organization is designedto store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to theengine cylinders on the intakestrokein the form ofvapor mixed with air. The fuel system must vary the proportions of air andgasoline vapor to see the requirements of the various operating conditions. Thus forinitial starting with a coldengine a very rich mixture of nigh 9 pounds of air to 1 pound of gasoline is needed. Afterwards the engine has warmed up, it will run satisfactorily on a leaner mixture of about 15 pounds of air for each pound of gasoline. Forensuring acceleration and totalload or loftierspeed operation, the mixture must once moreexist enriched.

The fuel system consist of a tank in whichthe liquid gasoline is stored, a fuel line, ortube, through which the gasoline tin be brought from the tank to the engine,a pump, whichpulls the gasoline through the fuel line, and a carburetor, which mixes the gasoline with air.The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline with 9 to 15 pounds of air under diverse operating conditions. The richer mixtures of about 9 pound of air per pound of gasoline are for starting,initial warm-up, and acceleration, while theleanermixtures of about xv pounds of air per pound of gasoline are for normal over-the road operation.

  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания:

The fuel System, store liquid gasoline, engine cylinders, vapor mixed, initial starting, acceleration, or tube, pulls the gasoline, the carburetor is designed

  1. Переведите письменно текст

  1. Переведите на русский язык встречающие в тексте интернациональные слова:

Design system, carburetor, normal.
four. Закончите предложения, выбрав их из текста

  1. The fuel System is designed…

  2. After the engine has warmed up, it will run satisfactorily on a leaner mixture of about...

  3. The fuel organisation consists of a tank in which…

  4. The carburetor is designed to mix each pound of gasoline

9. Cooling system

Then aninternal-combustion engine operates, the parts coming in contact with hot gases are strongly heated. If the temperature ofthe pistons, cylinder heads, valves and cylinders becomes too loftier,undesirable effects announced such every bitdeterioration of cylinder filling, power reduction ignition of fuel. Very often the oilburns outand losesits lubricating properties.

If the engine is excessively cooled, theportion of heat that goes for useful workdiminishes and the power of the engine drops.

The cooling arrangement consists of the aggregate of all the devicesensuring the required thermal duty of the engine.

A water cooling organisation operates in the following manner: the water present between the cylinder walls and the cylinder heads coolsthe heated inner walls and become heated itself in the process. It oftentimes flows tothe radiator, where information technology is cooled down by air. The cooled water is once againredirected to the engine waterjacket.

Forced cooling, when the water is circulated by a pump, is virtually common in modern engines. Cooling systems may exist open or closed. In the start case, the volume of the system is not closedtightly. In the 2nd casethe plugof the libation is provided witha two-way steam-air valve, which is opened past an excesspressure of steam in the system and also when the pressure inthe cooler drops below atmospheric by 0.05-0.02 kg/cm2.

To enable the engine to operate normally, the temperature of the cooling h2o should be maintained at lxxx-90 irrespective of the load and the temperature of the environment. For this purpose and besides to speed up the warming of the engine in starting, provision is made foradjusting the cooling rate which tin be varied by changing the book of the air stream passing through the cooler and as well by irresolute the rate of watercirculation.

In addition to water cooling, modern international-combustion engines, peculiarlylow-power types, often air-coolthe ribbed cylinder surfaces with the assistance offans.

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How Hard Is It to Put in a Steering Gear Box and 2004 Chevy Avalanche UPDATED

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