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Can You Download Macos on a Pc UPDATED

Can You Download Macos on a Pc

Installing Windows on a Mac is easy, just did you know you can install macOS on a PC? It's not a project for those who don't similar to get hands-on with hardware, merely with the correct combination of components and endeavor, information technology is possible.

In order to install the operating arrangement, you're going to demand to use another Mac to create a bootable installer. You'll also need access to the Mac App Store to download macOS in the first place.

Then let'southward take a look at how information technology's done.

Before You Begin

Back in the day (June 2010, to exist precise), this tutorial explained how to install (what was then) Mac Bone Ten on a Windows PCwithout the need for a Mac. This is no longer possible with modern versions of macOS.

Apple strictly forbids the employ of macOS on whatsoever machines other than its own, whether information technology's a modified version or non. You should be aware that past doing this, you're violating the terms of the macOS license agreement, and that y'all do and so at your ain risk.

If you have an older PC, you'll exist pleased to know y'all tin install every version of macOS (or OS X) from 10.7.five King of beasts right upwards to ten.12 Sierra. Whether or not your older auto volition be compatible is another story entirely.

Information technology'south worth reiterating thatinstalling macOS on a non-Apple computer is hard work. You may encounter hardware problems, card readers and Wi-Fi might non piece of work, and you lot'll need to get the extra mile if yous want to use features like iMessage or audio-over-HDMI.

Things You'll Need

To install the latest version of macOS on your PC, you will demand:

Don't worry if yous're unsure almost anything on the list, nosotros'll explain these requirements in the steps below. If you lot haven't got a Mac, ask to borrow a friend'south for a few minutes (y'all won't need it for long, though brand sure you get the root admin password).

one. Ensure Your PC is Compatible

The all-time fashion to ensure compatibility is to build your machine to specification. By doing this you lot'll be using hardware that's the same or very similar to what Apple tree puts in its own machines. You'll be able to build a high powered machine for a fraction of the cost of a new Mac.

Alternatively, you may want to install macOS on a laptop or PC that y'all already have lying around. This route is harder, you might have to work around issues that ascend, or y'all may take incompatible hardware.

Assuming you're currently running Windows, you can download free app CPU-Z to get a comprehensive breakup of your hardware. You can then use the following resources to ascertain compatibility:

  • OSx86 Projection — a well-maintained resources forhardware components and pre-congenitallaptops anddesktops that play nicely with macOS.
  • tonymacx86 Buyer'south Guide — a constantly-updated "shopping list" for edifice macOS compatible computers in a variety of course factors.
  • Online forums — check out r/Hackintosh, InsanelyMac, and Hackintosh Zone [No Longer Bachelor] if y'all want to ask questions or search for builds similar to your own.

2. Download Your Software

Once you're confident your machine is compatible, grab your Mac and launch theMac App Store. Search for the latest version of macOS and strikingDownload. The file is around 4.7GB in size, and once downloaded appears as Install macOS Sierra in yourApplications folder. Go out information technology there for now.

Next head to and annals an account, which will grant you access to the downloads folio. From here you should download the latest version ofUniBeast. At the time of writing version 7.0 is designed purely for Sierra, while previous versions work with before editions of the OS.

You should also download the version ofMultiBeast that corresponds with your macOS version. For macOS Sierra, this is version ix.0. You can unzip it and leave it in your Downloads binder for now, nosotros'll need it later.

UniBeast is a tool for installing any legally downloaded version of macOS from the Mac App Store on uniform hardware. It can too be used as a Mac (or hackintosh) system recovery tool in a pinch. Excerpt UniBeast and install it as y'all would any other software by dragging information technology to yourApplications folder.

iii. Create Your USB Installer

Insert theUSB bulldoze you'll be using into your Mac and launch your Mac'due south in-builtDisk Utility application. Everything on the bulldoze — including the partition itself — will exist removed then make certain your data is condom before proceeding. When yous're ready, select your USB device in the listing on the left and clickErase.

Requite it a name and choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) nether "Format" andGUID Parition Map nether "Scheme" so clickErase. Your USB device is at present ready to get a bootable macOS installation drive.

LaunchUniBeastand follow the prompts — yous'll have to clickContinue virtually four times, then Concur with the software license agreement (above). When you're prompted for an install destination, select the USB drive you lot erased with Deejay Utility (beneath).

The installer will now prompt to choose the version of macOS you downloaded from the Mac App Store earlier (beneath). For this to work the Mac App Store download needs to take finished and theInstall macOS Sierra file should stay in yourApplicationsfolder.

Next you'll need to choose Bootloader Options(below). According to the UniBeast documentation, chooseUEFI Boot Mode for UEFI-capable systems (virtually modernistic hardware) orLegacy Boot Way for older machines that however use BIOS (unsure which you need?).

The penultimate footstep is to choose a graphics card manufacturer if you're using an older bill of fare (this step is optional). You can then clickContinue, make certain your settings are right, enter your admin countersign, and UniBeast will write the macOS installer to the drive.

Wait for the epitome to exist written to the USB bulldoze. The last thing you need to practiseis to copy MultiBeast to the root directory of your USB drive.

four. Install macOS on Your PC

Now you're ready to begin installing macOS on your PC. Turn on your PC and press and hold theDelete (or equivalent) central to bring upwardly your UEFI or BIOS settings. This is where things become a little tricky — the official UniBeast documentation recommends the post-obit:

  • Set BIOS/UEFI toOptimized Defaults
  • Disable your CPU'sVT-d, if supported
  • Disable CFG-Lock , if supported
  • DisableSecure Boot Manner, if supported
  • Disable IO SerialPort, if present
  • EnableXHCI Handoff
  • DisableUSB 3.0

UEFI/BIOS settings are a common cause for problems when trying to install macOS. You lot'll probably need to hit the forums if yous experience issues hither, as each manufacturer does things a footling differently. Save and get out once yous've configured your BIOS/UEFI, then power the automobile off.

Insert the USB installer nosotros created before into your PC, preferably into a USB ii.0 port. Power on your PC and while information technology boots press the boot device keyboard shortcut — probably F12 or F8. When prompted, choose your USB bulldoze, so on the Clover boot screen selectBoot Mac Bone X from USB.

The installer will now launch, and you'll first demand to select aLanguage. Every bit you'll be installing macOS from scratch, y'all need to ready the installation book. Click onUtilities at the top of the screen and openDisk Utility.

Choose your target destination for macOS, then click on theErase button. Give it a proper noun (e.thousand Hackintosh), cullOS X Extended (Journaled)nether "Format" andGUID Parition Map under "Scheme" so clickErase. You can now proceed with the installer, making sure y'all choose this disk when prompted for an installation location.

Assuming it all goes to plan, you lot should be able to run across the installer through to the stop at which point your Mac volition restart.

five. Finishing Touches

Now you'll demand to brand your Mac install sectionalization bootable, and then you're not depending on the USB bootloader. Restart your machine and hold downward the boot device select key (probably F12 or F8), then kicking from your USB device every bit you lot did concluding time.

At the Clover boot screen, select your installation book (e.yard. Hackintosh) and follow the instructions to finalize the macOS installation. When you eventually boot into macOS, navigate to your USB installer and run theMultiBeast app.

For fresh installs, click onQuick Commencement and cull between UEFI Kick Mode or Legacy Boot Manner (for older hardware), then select relevant audio and network options on theDrivers tab. Yous tin see fifty-fifty more than options netherCustomize before saving or press your chosen configuration.

Now hitBuild soInstall. If you're using unsupported NVIDIA hardware, now is the fourth dimension to grab the relevant drivers and install them.

The terminal pace is to restart your Hackintosh and remove your USB drive, equally your macOS installation partition should boot automatically from now on.

Now the Fun Begins

There are so many things that could get wrong with this process. It's unlikely y'all'll make it all the mode without a small snag or larger setback, and at the end of information technology all you'll still need to fiddle with things to get some features working the style you'd like.

If things aren't quite working for yous, hit upward the relevant forums for communication tailored to your predicament. You can also try the comments below. For more assistance, come across how to fix the "macOS could non be installed" error.

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Can You Download Macos on a Pc UPDATED
